Sunday, August 24, 2014

Relatable Sunday #4


I have this mentality that everything has to be perfect and that I have to be perfect. But the fact of the matter is no one is perfect or any where near perfect. Many people have so many challenges and struggles in their lives in which sometimes they don't let others see. But we were all born to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes because that is what makes us humans. Because if everyone was always perfect this would be a boring world. haha Don't look at celebrities and think they are perfect either because they are truly dealing with a lot of issues themselves. Live your life not to become this "perfect person" but to become who you are which is real and a human being. Show your emotions, laugh, cry, and be happy or sad. Be late to an event just because. Do things out of the ordinary for yourself. When you truly stop this mentality of trying to be "perfect" then you truly start living life to the fullest.

Livin' & Stylin,'


Hebrews 6:19

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