Sunday, October 26, 2014

Relatable Sunday #9

I'm sorry that I haven't posted in like over a month. But with school comes rehearsal which mean I am really busy and tired all the time. But no excuses, I'm trying to get back on the ball and do my posts on Sundays and a post on either Tuesday or Thursday of that week. Thanks for understanding, y'all. 

I'm sure I've pinned this already. Worth the second/third/fourth pin.

I believe this quote is so true. Happy just doesn't mean that you're rich just living the good life (although there isn't anything wrong with that.) Happy people, I believe, makes the world go round. Because the warmth of a smile means so much to another person and it also signifies being friendly, which I like.  When trials and tribulations seem to come your way, don't stop believing, don't stop being happy. Because the best is yet to come. And the Lord knows what He is doing and what is best for your life. Making the best out of everything is truly living. When you can forget about what is holding you down, and just start being happy. 

Livin' & Stylin,'


Hebrews 6:19

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