Sunday, August 17, 2014

Relatable Sunday #3

Quote about happy girls and being pretty by veronicawasp
Numerous people have told me before that it seems like I'm always smiling. I think I respond by telling them that its easier for me to smile than be mad or angry. I know that life gets tough and at times it seems like you can't smile or be happy about anything. But, just remember how far you've come and also because I bet there are so many more people out there doing worse than you. So you have be grateful for what you have and by doing that- it will cause you to be happy. I have had those days where I look in the mirror and it seems like I don't have anything to be happy about. But then, I realized that I woke up this morning, I have my health, and a roof above my head and that is truly something to be happy about. And you look so much prettier when you smile because it shows that you love being you. And the you-you are is pretty.

Livin' & Stylin',


Hebrews 6:19

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