Thursday, August 17, 2017

Making Friends in College

 So I'm starting my junior year in college and I can't believe it; seems like I was just starting my freshmen year of college. One thought that went through my head as "freshmen me" was "how can I make friends in college?" Who knows,  your roommate or suite mates might end up being your best friend. But, if that isn't the case here is my advice on making friends in college.

If you are an incoming freshmen and are worried about making friends, don't worry, it will come naturally. Of course, first and foremost be yourself.

 Join a club or organization to come in contact with others who probably have the same interest as you.

Eating with different people at the dining hall. Sad, but it is true that you can spot out the freshmen. So just sit down and start talking to them. Some common beginner questions include: where are you from, what's your major, and even where do you stay on campus. Those introductory questions can lead to something much more and find some common connection.

Hang out in the common rooms of your whole dorm building. I met so many people from just hanging out in the common rooms and playing ping-pong (which I'm not that good at).

Attend the first week of school events. I know many schools hold some meet and greets and social events for the whole student body which is a great way to meet new people at your school.

The classroom is another great way to make friends, especially if you see that person in another one of your classes.  Just an easy way to make a bond and also have someone to check your notes or study with.

Livin' & Stylin'


Hebrews 6:19

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